Michigan EV Landscape

Battery Electric Vehicles Produced in Michigan

The following indicators provide a status of Michigan’s mobility and electrification industry and measure progress in electric vehicle technology, infrastructure, and investment. Though Michigan is a leader in the industry’s evolution, there is plenty of work to do to ensure it remains at the forefront. These metrics will be updated and progress will be tracked semi-annually. 

As the automotive and mobility industry continues to transition from internal combustion engines toward more environmentally sound transportation, it is essential for Michigan to develop and deploy strategies that keep the state competitive in the global electric and autonomous vehicle market.   

Chevrolet Bold EV

While Michigan shows recent gains, electric vehicle (EV) adoption remains low accounting for only 3.2% of the market share.

The EV landscape is rapidly changing as technology and adoption increases, creating massive shifts in the automotive and mobility industry. In 2023, EVs account for less than 4% of the market share in Michigan. According to the State of Michigan, by 2030, hybrid or electric vehicles will represent 51% of all vehicle sales in the state.

6 EV models manufactured in Michigan in 2024

The EV models include:

33,100 registered EVs in 2022, up 688% from 4,200 in 2018

Michigan ranks 29th (33rd in 2021) in the nation for electric vehicles registered per capita, with 3.3 per 1,000 people

EVs account for 3.2% of the market share in Michigan, up from 0.14% in 2019

In 2023, EVs accounted for 8% of the national market share, up from 1.5% in 2019

14,460+ total EV sales in Michigan in 2023

Michigan ranks 8th in the nation in EV sales per capita, with 10.4 per 1,000 people

EV Charging Dock

Michigan plans to generate 100,000 vehicle chargers for 2M EVs by 2030.

Michigan’s leadership in EV infrastructure expansion remains a work in progress. EV adoption in the state is lagging, but as the steady increase continues, the necessary infrastructure development will follow suit. To ensure the successful transition of the projected increase in EVs on the road, the state plans to generate 100,000 vehicle chargers to support 2 million EVs by 2030.

Michigan ranks 24th in public EV charging station locations per capita with 12.5 charging stations per 100,000 people

1,250+ publicly accessible charging station locations

2,900+ publicly accessible electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) ports

Ranks 28th in public EVSE ports per capita with 29 ports per 100,000 people

1st scalable wireless public in-road EV charging system located in the City of Detroit at the Michigan Central District

1st binational EV corridor connecting Michigan and Canada. Over 860 miles of corridor with DC fast chargers every 50 miles along the route

Automotive Worker

Michigan demonstrates its commitment to leading the mobility industry’s evolution through key investments – ranking #1 nationally in several investment areas. 

As a longtime leader in the automotive and mobility industry, Michigan has a century of knowledge, experience, and innovation to help lead the industry’s continued evolution. To secure its status as a global leader in the future of mobility and electrification, Michigan companies and institutions are committing to private and public partnerships to invest in the EV landscape’s ongoing development.

$34B in total EV and/or battery investments announced by OEMs and suppliers since 2018

Ranking #1 among selected states with 17% of all announced U.S. investments

16 operational USDOT-funded connected vehicle deployments

Ranks #1 with double the deployments of the next state

Top 3 state to lead EV battery manufacturing by 2030

97-136 GWh of EV battery capacity to be produced in Michigan, supporting 10 to 13 million EVS per year

#1 in the nation for business-funded automotive and mobility research and development

60% of the nation’s share with $13.7 B in funding in 2021


MICHauto, Department of Energy Alternative Fuels Data Center, Center of Automotive Research Book of Deal Note, U.S. Department of Transportation, National Science Foundation, Michigan Department of Transportation, Alliance for Automotive Innovation, 2024.

Note: Market share is percent of all light duty vehicles. EV stations and ports include Level 1, Level 2, and DC Fast chargers. Investments are among selected states. 

Updated May 2024 

Downtown Detroit

For additional information, contact the MICHauto team.