Margaret Baxter is the executive director at the Center for Automotive Diversity, Inclusion and Advancement (CADIA), a nonprofit organization dedicated to doubling the number of diverse leaders in the automotive industry by 2030. She is an operations and human resources professional with experience in the nonprofit and for-profit sectors.
Most recently, Baxter was director of organizational development and integration for Inteva Products where she implemented corporate policy change to engage and ignite employees at all levels. She also launched a diversity and inclusion initiative and mentorship pilot, worked on global supply chain opportunities, IT initiatives, alliances and acquisitions due diligence, and training and leadership development.
Baxter has spent more than 20 years primarily in the automotive industry and has international experience. She is a certified diversity professional from the National Diversity Council and earned a Master of Arts from Middlebury College and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.