MichAuto > Blog > Economic Development > Amatrol Partners With MichAuto to Develop New EV Battery Manufacturing Training Courses and Systems

Amatrol Partners With MichAuto to Develop New EV Battery Manufacturing Training Courses and Systems

January 22, 2025

JEFFERSONVILLE (Jan. 22, 2025) – MichAuto, an initiative of the Detroit Regional Chamber Foundation, and Amatrol are pleased to announce a new partnership that will enable Amatrol to develop new electric vehicle (EV) battery manufacturing eLearning. These new courses and systems, when paired with existing Amatrol courses and training systems, will equip high school and postsecondary students with the necessary skills to thrive in the evolving EV battery manufacturing sector.

Guided by EV industry experts, Amatrol will develop five new eLearning courses focused on essential elements of EV battery manufacturing, including EV battery technology fundamentals, EV battery precision measurement, EV battery smart manufacturing systems, and EV battery smart manufacturing maintenance.

Amatrol’s eLearning courses feature a well-balanced mix of eLearning instruction paired with hands-on skill development. These courses can form the basis of high school dual enrollment or career and technical education (CTE) classes while also maintaining the academic rigor required to be awarded college credit as determined by two- and four-year colleges. Students completing these courses can also expect to receive an industry-recognized certification for their efforts.

Amatrol will also develop two new hands-on training systems that will provide students with the real-world experience they will need to hit the ground running in an EV battery manufacturing facility. Amatrol’s EV Battery Fundamentals trainer will teach students about battery electrical characteristics, battery chemistry, safety, and proper handling, while the EV-Battery Precision Measurement trainer will teach students how to interpret and analyze measurement data effectively.

Kent Powell, Amatrol’s Vice President of Global Sales, believes these new eLearning courses and hands-on training systems will prepare students for the EV battery manufacturing jobs of the future: “Our team is excited about the opportunity to contribute to this important initiative, which aims to equip high school and postsecondary students with the necessary skills to thrive in the evolving electric vehicle and battery manufacturing sector.”

Drew Coleman, MichAuto’s Senior Director, is excited to work with Amatrol on developing these courses that will provide critical skills and career pathways to students in Michigan: “Over the past year, MichAuto has convened employers and educators to identify the key knowledge, skills and abilities required for these roles. The development of these courses and industry recognized credentials is the culmination of that work, which MichAuto has led through our Global Epicenter of Mobility partnership.”

MichAuto would also like to thank and recognize the Global Epicenter of Mobility, a signature program led by the Detroit Regional Partnership that is designed to create a smart, secure, sustainable, and inclusive advanced-mobility industry in Southeast Michigan, making it possible through a four-year U.S. Economic Development Administration’s Build Back Better Regional Challenge grant award.

In addition to MichAuto, Amatrol will also work alongside ATS Midwest to help roll out these new training resources to students in Michigan. For more information about Amatrol and its partners, check out the links below:

About Amatrol

For more than 30 years, Amatrol has been the world’s leader in technical training that combines the best of interactive multimedia eLearning curriculum with hands-on training systems that feature industrial components learners will use on the job.

Amatrol’s eLearning offers superb technical content depth as well as breadth, strong interactivity for skill development, and excellent assessment and student tracking. Amatrol’s proven curriculum is problem-solving oriented and teaches technical skills in a wide range of industrially relevant technologies, including hundreds of courses with thousands of hours of content in areas like automation, electrical, fluid power, machining, mechanical, thermal, process control, quality, and safety.

About Detroit Regional Chamber Foundation

Serving the business community for more than 100 years, the Detroit Regional Chamber is one of the oldest, largest, and most respected chambers of commerce in the country. As the voice for business in the 11-county Southeast Michigan region, the Chamber’s mission is carried out by creating a business-friendly climate and providing value for members. The Chamber also executes the statewide automotive and mobility cluster association, MichAuto, and hosts the nationally recognized Mackinac Policy Conference. Additionally, the Chamber leads the most comprehensive education and talent strategy in the state.

About MichAuto

MichAuto is the state’s only automotive and mobility association with a mission to promote, retain, and grow Michigan’s signature industry. It provides a platform for industry leaders and stakeholders to engage in advocacy, discuss industry priorities, attract and retain high-tech talent, and create an innovation-forward environment to support next-generation mobility developments.

As the automotive and mobility industry continues to evolve, MichAuto serves as a trusted advisor and representative for the industry, ensuring Michigan maintains its global leadership and competitiveness.

About ATS Midwest

ATS Midwest is a proud distributor of curriculum, training equipment, and eLearning for both educational and industrial applications. Whether you’re looking for advanced workplace training programs or STEM learning kits for the classroom, ATS Midwest carries a multitude of products to fit your needs. We have been proudly serving our customers with the highest level of service since 1971.