Karen J. Pittman is president and CEO of the Forum for Youth Investment, a national nonprofit, nonpartisan “action tank” that combines thought leadership on youth development, youth policy, cross-system/cross-sector partnerships, and developmental youth practice with on-the-ground training, technical assistance, and support.rnrnPittman is a respected sociologist and leader in youth development. Prior to co-founding the Forum in 1998, she launched adolescent pregnancy prevention initiatives at the Children’s Defense Fund, started the Center for Youth Development and Policy Research, and served as senior vice president at the International Youth Foundation. Pittman was involved in the founding of America’s Promise and directed the President’s Crime Prevention Council during the Clinton administration.rnrnMost recently, Pittman received the Lifetime Achievement Award from Partners for Livable Cities. Pittman was recently selected to join the National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development with the Aspen Institute.