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MichAuto > Kerry Duggan

Kerry Duggan

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, SustainabiliD

Kerry Duggan is the founder and chief executive officer of SustainabiliD, a woman-owned strategic advisory firm working with game changers to equitably solve the climate crisis, leading a team of cross-sector connectors and change agents.  

Duggan is an appointee to the Secretary of Energy’s Advisory Board under Secretary Jennifer Granholm and the State of Michigan’s Council on Climate Solutions under Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Duggan served on the Biden-Harris Transition Team and on the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force. She also was a senior policy and climate advisor for then-Vice President Biden and a deputy director of the Detroit task force. Earlier in the Obama -Biden administration, she held several senior roles at the Department of Energy. 

Duggan is a Board Director of Perma-Fix and a senior advisor at RockCreek. She also sits on several corporate advisory boards, including Our Next Energy (ONE), Aclima, Inc., Walker-Miller Energy Services, Arctaris Impact Investors, and BlueConduit. She was named the founding director of the University of Michigan’s SEAS Sustainability Clinic in Detroit. 

Duggan earned her Bachelor of Science from the University of Vermont and her Master of Science from the University of Michigan.