Lauren Hood
Lauren Hood is the acting director for Live6 Alliance-Detroit. As a community development engagement expert, Hood oversees the Alliance’s work in five program areas: placemaking, business attraction and retention, residential stabilization, safety, and commercial corridor real estate development, with a particular focus on Detroit’s McNichols and Livernois corridors.
Prior to joining Live6, Hood worked in various community revitalization roles. Most recently, she served as economic development project portfolio manager for the city of Highland Park. In this role she oversaw the allocation of community development block grant funds, managed housing rehab programs, demolition efforts and business attraction activities. She also served as director of community engagement for Loveland Technologies. In addition, Hood runs her own consultancy, Deep Dive Detroit, where she facilitates dialogues and designs curriculum focused on racial, social and economic justice. She was appointed to Detroit’s Historic District Commission, and is a member of Preservation Detroit’s Board of Directors.