Discover Auto Tours Continue to Connect Students with Industry Leaders
January 13, 2020
Last month, MichAuto hosted two Discover Auto tours, connecting 35 students from Cesar Chavez Academy with DENSO International America Inc. and 19 students from Livonia Stevenson with IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.
The student groups received the unique opportunity to visit the organizations’ facilities, witnessing industry innovation first-hand and getting an up-close look at what careers in the automotive and mobility industry have to offer.
In addition to touring the facilities, the students received engaging presentations from the host companies. Students visiting from Cesar Chavez Academy heard from Melissa Smith, community affairs lead at DENSO, and those from Livonia Stevenson from Pia Shah, executive assistant at IAV, about career development and the possibilities for students like them within the industry. Following those presentations, the students got to mingle and interact with those already working in the industry during mixers with the teams.
Staff from Cesar Chavez Academy acknowledged how vital this exposure to career opportunities is, showcasing for students the variety opportunities available to them to have a successful future. Livonia Stevenson sent students from its Project Lead the Way (PLTW) – Computer Science Principals and automotive classes. The group brought diverse and thoughtful questions to their tour at IAV, demonstrating Discover Auto’s ability to inspire curiosity in students.
MichAuto looks forward to future Discover Auto tours in 2020 and providing more students with the chance to learn about the promising and diverse career paths available to them in the automotive and mobility industry.