Key legislation to prevent distracted driving on Michigan roads passed the Michigan House and Senate this week. As a long-time supporter of these efforts, MichAuto Executive Director Glenn Stevens Jr. shared the following:
MichAuto Statement on the Passage of Distracted Driving Legislation
May 11, 2023

“The MichAuto community is heartened by the final passage of this important legislation that will make Michigan roads and drivers safer, and we look forward to Gov. Whitmer signing it into law. We gratefully acknowledge Steven Kiefer, the Kiefer Foundation, and all the Michigan families who have been tragically impacted by the harms of distracted driving for their commitment to making this law a reality. MichAuto is proud to continue its years-long support of these efforts.”
–Glenn Stevens Jr., Executive Director, MichAuto; Vice President, Automotive and Mobility Initiatives, Detroit Regional Chamber